develop your digital skills !

Transform Your Ideas into Reality at Wild Geek Academy!

"Discover a unique learning experience through play and experimentation. At Wild Geek Academy, we empower you to explore, create, and innovate in the digital world. Join us today!"

Join us to explore, create, and innovate together!
The STEMULUS Program

Empowering Young Minds: From Basics to Innovation

Build a strong foundation in critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. Foster curiosity and teamwork through hands-on projects. Access advanced resources and equipment to prepare for future careers in innovation.


Success Stories: Empowering Future Innovators

Learn - practice - play

Dive into Innovation with the STEMulus Program

Introduction to arduino starter-kit

This course guides you through the basics of Arduino, a cornerstone in modern electronics and DIY projects. Using a hands-on approach with the starter-kit, Learn how to build and program your own interactive devices.

Introduction to basics of coding with HTML

Begin your coding adventure with our course on the 'Basics of Coding with HTML'. Designed for those new to web development, this course provides a solid foundation in HTML, the essential language for creating web pages.

Introduction to basics of programmation

This course covers the fundamental programming concepts, logic, and problem-solving techniques. Through practical examples and interactive exercises, you'll grasp the essentials of how to think like a programmer.

Create 3D project and prototypes

Create 3D Projects and Prototypes': Immersive program introduces you to the exciting world of 3D modeling prototyping. You'll learn to use various software tools to design and create 3D models, bringing your ideas to life

Support smart digital tools

Harnessing Digital Skills for the Future

Empower children with fun and educational open-source software at Wild Geek Academy. Our programs are endorsed by leading IT and educational organizations.”

visual studio code
ai inventor


Master Digital Skills for Exceptional Careers

Engage with Fun and Educational Modules at Wild Geek Academy

Starter-kit Arduino Electronics

On registration

Introduction to Coding world

On registration

Introduction to Simulation & modeling

On registration

Introduction to dev Web & Mobile

On registration

UI/UX Design Web and Mobile for Kids

On registration

Introduction to Python Programming

On registration

Digital awareness and ethical hacking

On registration

Machine Learning Essentials

On registration


Explore Our Core Learning Modules at Wild Geek Academy

Programming Languages

Perfect for beginners and budding coders alike, it's a journey from learning syntax to developing small games and applications, making coding both fun and accessible.

Electronics & Robotics

It's a world where creativity meets technology, as students design robots that can navigate mazes, perform tasks, and even compete in friendly robotics challenges.

Simulation & Modeling

It's not just about building virtual models; it's about understanding complex systems, predicting outcomes, and applying this knowledge to solve real-world problems in innovative ways.

Graphic Design

Unleash your creativity in the vibrant world of Graphic Design! This course covers the fundamentals of design principles, color theory, and typography, empowering students to create visually stunning graphics using various digital tools.

UI/UX Design

Dive into the user-centered world of UI/UX Design, where functionality meets beauty. Students learn the essentials of user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design, focusing on creating intuitive, engaging digital experiences.

Web Development

Bring your digital ideas to life with Web Development! This course introduces HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the building blocks of the web, teaching students how to create and style their own websites from scratch.

Digital Arts

Step into the imaginative world of Digital Arts,This course explores various digital art forms, from digital painting and illustration to animation, encouraging artistic expression through technology.

Educational Games

Discover the fun and challenge of creating Educational Games! This course teaches the basics of game design and development, focusing on creating games that are not only entertaining but also educational.

Mobile App Development

Step into the world of mobile technology with our Mobile App Development course! Here, students learn to design, code, and deploy their own apps, mastering the tools and languages specific to iOS and Android platforms.

A Safe Haven to Create and Innovate

Join WildGeek's for a Future-Ready Education

Wild Geek Academy provides a secure and supportive environment where students can unleash their creativity and build innovative projects. Our focus on safety ensures that learners can explore, experiment, and grow with confidence. Join us to create, build, and thrive in a nurturing space dedicated to fostering talent and ingenuity.

Experience the Joy of Learning

At WildGeek, learning isn't just about the lessons; it's an adventure! You'll create, experiment, and play your way through knowledge!

Unlock Tomorrow's Skills

The digital world is expanding, and with WildGeek, you're not just ready for it; yThink of it as your head start in becoming a tech whiz of the future!

Connect with Visionaries

When you're at WildGeek, you're not alone. You'll join a vibrant community of young minds who share your passion. It's a place to make lifelong friends.

Learn Alongside Passionate Innovators

they're real-life wizards in digital arts and technology. We're here to inspire, guide and help you unlock your full potential.

why choose us

Choose the Best Path to Education with Wild Geek Academy

At Wild Geek Academy, we believe in providing the highest quality education that nurtures creativity, critical thinking, and technological skills. Our programs are designed to ignite curiosity and inspire innovation, ensuring your child’s bright future. Join us for a learning experience that is not only right but exceptional.


Training young people in social-emotional skills with STEM can foster well-rounded, adaptable individuals.


Training young mindset will cultivate perseverance and develop their analysis and problem solving


Training the new generation in softskills and with STEM will spark creativity and engagement.


Training young people in innovation skills for innovative project will prepare them for future careers.

Join our Newsletter

Stay updated with the latest news, exclusive resources, and exciting events from Wild Geek Academy. By subscribing, you’ll receive:

  • Insider Updates: Be the first to know about our workshops, webinars, and special events.
  • Exclusive Content: Access articles, tutorials, and guides designed to boost your skills.
  • Special Offers: Get exclusive discounts and offers only available to our subscribers.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to stay ahead in the world of digital innovation. Subscribe now and join our vibrant community of tech enthusiasts!

Common Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Wild Geek's?

Wild Geek Academy is a cutting-edge platform and physical place dedicated to training and supporting the digital skills of the new generation. Our focus is on empowering kids aged 8 to 15 with the knowledge and tools they need to excel in the digital world. We offer a range of courses designed to be engaging and educational for young minds.

How do I register on Wild Geek's?

Registering for Wild Geek Academy is a straightforward online process. Simply visit our website, browse through our course offerings, and sign up for the course that interests you or your child. Our user-friendly interface makes it easy for both parents and children to navigate and enroll in courses.

Do Wild Geek's courses come with certificates?

Yes, upon successful completion of our courses, students receive certificates. We provide our own Wild Geek Academy certification for students, and for our teaching courses, we offer certification from Intel SFI program, acknowledging the educational value and skills learned.

Can I access Wild Geek's courses at any time?

Absolutely! Our courses are designed for full online accessibility, allowing students to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule. This flexibility ensures that learning can easily fit into the busy lives of children and their families.

Is there tutor support available on Wild Geek?

Yes, we offer tutor support for all our courses. Our experienced tutors and mentors are available online to assist students throughout their learning journey. They provide guidance, answer questions, and help ensure a comprehensive and enjoyable learning experience.

Are Wild Geek courses suitable for beginners?

Definitely! Our courses are tailored to be accessible and engaging for beginners. We believe in making digital learning fun and easy to understand, regardless of the student's prior knowledge or experience.

How do I make payments for Wild Geek courses?

Payments for our courses can be made through our secure online payment system. We accept various forms of payment, including credit/debit cards and other popular online payment methods. Our website provides clear instructions on how to complete your payment safely and conveniently.

Does Wild Geek offer free trials?

Yes, we offer a free trial for our first courses. This allows students and parents to experience our learning environment and course style before committing to a full course. It's a great way to see firsthand how engaging and beneficial our digital skills courses can be for young learners.

Start from home

Begin Your Learning Adventure from Home with Wild Geek Academy

Discover the convenience and excitement of home-based learning with Wild Geek Academy. Our programs are designed to bring top-notch digital education right to your doorstep, ensuring a safe and engaging environment for students. Join us to empower your child’s learning journey today!